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Research Areas

Global Economic Governance (GEG)

The Global Economic Governance programme will cover studies on the economic partnerships between the major emerging economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) – and Africa, South-South Cooperation, and the role of multilateral institutions in development. This would reflect the changing landscape of development assistance with countries in the global South playing a more dominant role.

Specifically, this research area focuses on:

   - BRICS and Africa
   - South-South Cooperation
   - The role of Multilateral Institutions in Development
   - Global Partnerships

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Macroeconomics and Public Financial Management (PFM)

The Macroeconomics and Public Financial Management (PFM) covers studies on forecasting macroeconomic variables used in macroeconomic planning and designing economic policies as well as research on developing the private sector into the major engine of economic growth and public financial management.

Specifically, this research area focuses on:

    - Macroeconomics Forecasting and Planning
    - Economic Policy
    - Private Sector Development
    - Public Finance

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Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Growth (PRIG)

The Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Growth research area covers broader development topics including:

    - Poverty
    - Agriculture and Food Security
    - Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development
    - SDGs

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Environment, Natural Resources and Energy (ENRE)

The Environment, Natural Resources and Energy research area will examine critical issues in natural resource governance, energy efficiency and the geopolitics of mining and petroleum development, as well as environmental management and climate change.
    - Natural Resource Governance
    - Energy
    - Extractives
    - Climate Change and Environment

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Human Capital Development (HCD)

The Human Capital Development research area will cover the following areas:
    - Health
    - Education
    - Labour and Employment
    - Population Studies

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Trade and Investment (TI)

The Trade and Investment programme will cover the topical issues of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Development, Productive Capacities, Financial Markets and Development.
    - Trade agreements
    - FDI and Development
    - Infrastructure and Finance
    - Financial Markets and Development

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