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Gender Mainstreaming as a Key Driver of a Global Inclusion Agenda

In Africa, where gender inequality remains a big problem, addressing gender-based socio-economic vulnerability should be a priority to enhance the resilience of women (and the society) as countries deal with the multitude of crises facing the world. Building on the work by the South African Institute of International Affairs which demonstrated that the lack of gender inclusivity was the biggest factor responsible for the high socio-economic vulnerabilities faced by African countries during the COVID-19 pandemic, this policy brief seeks to enhance the understanding of the intersectionality of gender and poverty and how it can contribute to socio-economic vulnerability especially during crises. It further proposes ways in which these vulnerabilities can be addressed through gender inclusive policies. To achieve these goals, the brief analyses the key factors that drive gender-based socio-economic vulnerabilities in countries across Africa and make recommendations on how these can be improved to minimize such vulnerabilities.

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From Crisis to Reform: How the G20 can Support the Reform of the financial Architecture to unlock private capital for Low-Income, Resource- Rich economies in Africa

In the post-pandemic world, Africa has found itself with limited options to finance key development projects. A rapid rise in debt levels over the last decade has left African economies with little fiscal space to finance development. The financial outlook for Africa’s low-income resource-rich (LIRR) countries, which are characterized by the central role commodities play in their economies, is especially dim. Collectively, these countries have not had success converting their resource wealth into economic development apart from a China-driven commodity super cycle from 2002 to 2012.

This article was Frist Published at t20brasil

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Public Debt and Sustainable Development in the Post-Pandemic Era: A Global South View

The global economy has experienced unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic. Central to these enduring repercussions is the escalation of public debt, casting a shadow over the fiscal space of governments and their ability to make progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and address the growing impacts of climate change. It is thus urgent to reconsider debt restructuring strategies, the conditionalities associated with International Financial Institutions loans, and emerging fiscal frameworks for the developing world. In this policy brief, we develop four concrete proposals involving international financial institutions, which can function as avenues to tackle the challenges mentioned above: (a) alternative ways to define sustainability in international financial institutions debt analysis; (b) to promote debt-for-climate swaps; (c) support the implementation of green tax reforms; and (d) support government implementing non-regressive tax reforms.


This article was Frist Published at t20brasil

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Youth Unemployment and Gender Inequality in Africa

Youth unemployment and gender inequality are some of the key development challenges across Africa today

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Does increasing the Minimum Wage increase inflation?

This brief examines the potential impact of a minimum wage increase in Nigeria, taking into account the current economic state and the factors driving inflation. It also provides a minimum wage recommendation to guide the government and labor unions in reaching a realistic minimum wage.

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