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High-level conference on Scaling up accelerated education programs in Africa 

The Associates for Change (Ghana), CSEA (Nigeria) and Dalan Development Consultants (Sierra Leone), a consortium working to investigate and evaluate accelerated education and complementary basic education innovations aimed at reducing the number of out-of-school children across West Africa with a special focus on girls’ models, organised a two-day high-level conference from June 11 to 12, 2024.

 The conference focused on “Scaling up accelerated education programs in Africa to tackle the high prevalence of out of school children in West Africa”. The event which was held at the La Palm Royal Beach Hotel in Accra provided a platform for stakeholders to share best practices, present research findings and explore synergies related to Accelerated Education Programs (AEPs).

 It also fostered dialogue and learning among governments’, researchers and development partners, collective action towards ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for all children driving in West Africa.

Read some of our publications on Accelerated Education Programmes-

The Potential of Accelerated Education Programmes in Solving the Out-of- School Children and Youth Problem in West Africa

Increasing Access To Quality Education For Rural And Marginalised Children In West Africa — A Comparative Study Of Accelerated Education and Girls Focused Programmes in Ghana, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.

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CSEA participates in the 2024 OTT Conference

CSEA’s Executive Director, Dr Chukwuka Onyekwena, participated in a two-day Conference on Think Tanks and their Communities organised by On Think Tank (OTT)  in partnership with Fundació Bofill . The conference took place in Barcelona, Spain, from May 21 to May 23, 2024. The event brought together leaders from various Think Tanks around the world to reflect on their work, share best practices, and envision the future of the work of Think Tanks.

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CSEA attends the 7th Sovereign Debt Research and Management Conference (DebtCon 7)

The Finance for Development Lab and the Paris School of Economics hosted the 7th edition of the Interdisciplinary Sovereign Debt Research and Management Conference, or simply "DebtCon", on 29-31 May 2024, at the Paris School of Economics.  The conference brought together scholars, civil society representatives, and practitioners from the public and private sectors who work on sovereign debt, to help find creative solutions for urgent debt policy challenges.

CSEA’s Senior Research Fellow, Mma Amara Ekeruche joined the discussions which included high-level roundtables and keynotes with cutting-edge research presented in parallel sessions. 

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CSEA participates at the Sensitization workshop on rebasing of Nigeria’s GDP and CPI

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) organised a one-day Sensitization Workshop on the "Rebasing of Nigeria's Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP)" on May 23, 2024, in Abuja.

The workshop provided a platform for participants to gain more insights on the ongoing Rebasing of Nigeria's GDP and CPI which includes revising the base year and changing the weights used to calculate both CPI and GDP estimates. These dialogues aimed at ensuring responsibility for both the procedure and the results of the Rebasing Exercises.
The Statistician-General of the NBS, Prince Adeyemi Adeniran, emphasised the importance of precise and timely data in a period of rapid change and global interconnectedness.
The workshop was organised to raise awareness among key participants and gather feedback and suggestions to produce an outcome that meets the requirements of all users and provides a more accurate and comprehensive view of the economy.
Dr. Adedeji Adeniran, Director of Research at CSEA, joined the discussion with other stakeholders and experts.

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CSEA attends the Launch of the West African Competitiveness Observatory

CSEA Research Fellow, Dr. Oluwatosin Edafe and Anthony Okon, Research Associate, attended the Launch of the West African Competitiveness Observatory in Abuja, from May 21 to 22, 2024.

The event organized by the International Trade Centre (ITC), Geneva, Switzerland, and ECOWAS Commission, provided a platform for policymakers to analyse national and regional trade competitiveness.

Through the recently launched online tool, policymakers and businesses in West Africa can track their countries’ trade competitiveness and find new business opportunities in the region. The WACOMP Observatory tool will also facilitate regional collaboration by strengthening regional value chains.

Dr. Oluwatosin Edafe participated in a high-level panel discussion titled "Stronger Together – Competitiveness through Regional Value Chain Integration in West Africa,".

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