Macroeconomic Report & Economic Updates

November 7, 2016

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 46)

Executive council recently approved a three-year external borrowing plan
(2016-2018) which specifies external borrowing of approximately $30 billion (to
be sourced mostly from MDBs) for infrastructure development.
Although, the plan is yet to be approved by the Senate, the planned concessional
loans for infrastructural development would imply inflows of foreign exchange which
could help moderate the exchange rate volatilities in the near term, and offer
potential improvement in business productivity and job creation.

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Cost Effectiveness And Benefit Cost Analysis Of Some Education Assistance Programmes In FCT, Nigeria

This study conducts a Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Nigerias education sector with emphasis on the relative effectiveness and efficiency of Home Grown School Feeding & Health program and the Education Assistance program implemented in public primary school in the FCT, Nigeria.

Testing The Impact Of Foreign Aid And Aid Uncertainty On Private Investment In West Africa

The paper examines the impact of foreign aid on private investment in West Africa and whether multilateral and bilateral aid affects private investment differently.