Macroeconomic Report & Economic Updates

July 10, 2017

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 26)

Power sector statistics indicates a huge decline in power generated in the week under review (June 23, 2017 to June 30, 2017). Power generated, attained a peak of 4,305 MW on June 23, 2017 but fell significantly by 33.1 percent to approximately average of 3,000 MW as at June 30, 2017. The huge decline is attributable to continued poor payment and inability of most GENCOs to pay for gas supply and a system collapse. Consequently, power sector lost huge prospective funds; and daily power supply reduced to 4.5 hours per day7. Going forward, improvement in energy supply is critical to domestic production, job creation, and diversification agenda of the government.

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Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 40)

OPEC weekly basket price declined by 2.4 percent to $42.68/barrel on September 16, 2016. This was triggered by a rise in US oil reserve, amid an outlook on weak global oil demand. Similarly, provisional data by OPEC reveals a steady decline in Nigerias crude oil production. Notably, production declined by 3.4 percent to 1.47 mbd in August, 2016.

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 33)

Available reports from the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation(NNPC), suggests a significant reduction in the cost incurred to produce one barrel of crude oil for the past two years. Specifically, the cost of production reduced by 71 percent from $78 as at August 2015, to $23 per barrel as at August 2017. This may be attributable to moderations in operational expenditures, following repairs and restructuring in the oil region.