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CSEA attends RISE Workshop in Addis Ababa

RISE Nigeria Team Members, Dr. Dozie Okoye and Mma Amara Ekeruche attended a 2-day Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE) conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. At the workshop, updates on the RISE projects (being implemented in seven countries including Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Vietnam, Tanzania and Nigeria) which aims to shed light on how systems of education can address the global learning crisis, were shared.
For the RISE Country Research in Nigeria, the team will focus on examining the role of parents’ aspirations for their children’s education, and parents’ and communities’ engagement with schools. The aim is to see whether and how the demand for improved learning drives educational systems change in Nigeria. The research agenda will also analyse key historical developments that have shaped educational outcomes in the country.

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Participants at the workshop on special guided tour of the Ethnographic Museum at Addis Ababa University’s Institute of Ethiopian Studies!